Regular Guests

Jolie Dogget
Editor & Writer
Jolie Doggett is an editor and writer from Hampton, Virginia. She writes at the intersection of race, gender and mental health.
Jolie enjoys reading, napping, watching house tours on YouTube and being a regular guest on Harry Potter and the Sacred Text with Vanessa, Casper and Matt. She currently resides in North Carolina with 47 houseplants, 200 incense sticks and 400 books.
You can find her writing and rantings on JolieDoggett.com.

Jackson Bird
Writer & Performer
Jackson Bird is a multi-disciplined creator who writes and performs original works on the stage, on the page, and online. A YouTube NextUp Creator, TED Speaker, and GLAAD Rising Star Digital Innovator, Jackson shares his and others’ stories on his YouTube channel, jackisnotabird, and in his debut book Sorted: Growing Up, Coming Out, and Finding My Place.
His writing has appeared in The New York Times, Vulture, The Advocate, and more. Jackson is currently the host of the daily podcast Cool Stuff Ride Home and is a new member of the theater ensemble the New York Neo-Futurists.
Raised in Texas, Jackson has spent over a decade in New York City, where he hosts weekly pub quizzes for fellow nerds. You can follow him online @jackisnotabird.